The Art of George Town

George Town: August 2015

Free Ice Cream!!!!!!!

Free Ice Cream!!!!!!!

We didn’t do our research beforehand. If we had, we would have traveled to George Town first and then to KL. Instead, we had to backtrack. The bus was late…nothing new there. But it was hours late. We were supposed to arrive at our destination with time to catch a ferry to our hotel. Instead, we had to get off at a different stop, because the ferry had stopped running for the day. Subsequently, we had to pay for a very long taxi ride, which we weren’t happy about. But, what we were happy about, was our hotel. They offered FREE LAUNDRY AND ICE-CREAM!! There are a few of our fav-o-rite things!

George Town, Malaysia.

George Town, Malaysia.

We were told to try dinner “around the corner.” It was a local place, outdoors and therefore a little questionable on the cleanliness. But, it was recommended by, not only our cab driver, but our receptionist as well. You stood in line, a guy grabbed a plate, and you pointed to what you wanted, ordered a drink and found a seat. There was so much to choose from and everything was quite tasty. The only downside. It was really hot, even late at night. The air in this little alley was stagnant, which made for a humid, sticky meal. We ended our day at our rooftop bar, where we used our DAILY free drink coupon and had a nightcap. 

Tandoori Chicken. George Town, Malaysia.

Tandoori Chicken. George Town, Malaysia.

Like I mentioned earlier, our hotel offered free laundry. Not unlimited, but a few kilos- enough to wash the necessities. After breakfast, we dropped off our dirties and headed out for the day. We decided to walk a loop- down to the harbor, around and back to the hotel. There were a few sights to see along the way, so armed with a camera and water, we headed out. For lunch, we had tandoori. Maybe an odd choice for Malaysia, but it was delicious and a nice change. 

We walked to the pier, saw the old clock tower, and walked to Fort Cornwall. As we walked along the water, we came upon a Transformers street art exhibition. Javier was beside himself.

Happiness! George Town, Malaysia.

Happiness! George Town, Malaysia.

Naturally, we stopped to take pictures. Somewhat unnaturally, we stayed for a REALLY long time, melting in the sun. But Javier was happy, and that’s what matters. They had huge statues of Optimus Prime and Bumble Bee. The really cool part was the containers. They had a few shipping containers that had different Transformer motifs painted on them. The paintings were really cool, and this is the point where I melted. 

Photography expo.

Photography expo.

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Somehow we moved on and found ourselves in another art exhibition. This time, indoors. It was a photo exhibition of trees. All of the photos were in black and white, and displayed trees from all over the world. It was magnificent. We both really enjoyed the pictures, and added a few locations to our travel bucket list based on trees we want to see. 🙂

For dinner that night, we followed the local’s advice and made our way to the “Red Garden.” At first we had a difficult time understanding what people were saying. We walked, and walked, and walked some more asking for directions along the way and then poof! there we were.

Red Garden Food Court. yummy.

Red Garden Food Court. yummy.

Red Garden is an outdoor area full of food stands. You order your food from any one of the many stalls, and order your drinks from the drink people running around. We really liked it. There were so many options and the food was quite tasty. We ended up going back the next night as well. 🙂 Once back at the hotel, we took advantage of the free ice cream for dessert. What a great hotel! 

George Town, Malaysia.

George Town, Malaysia.

The next day, we set off on an art scavenger hunt. George Town is known for its art. When we checked in to our hotel, they gave us a map with all the street art. We took our map and camera, and started our search. We had so much fun! We started with a stop on “Love Lane” where a nice man took a picture for us. We not only found most of the paintings, but noticed other art work as well. George Town has these pictures made out of iron bars. They’re usually cartoons and tell a story. You can read all about the history of George Town by reading the art. We passed by several other pieces of art that didn’t make the list. Now these things are more than just paintings on the wall. They use props. For example, the painting with the children riding a bike, includes only the children, the bike is real. Same thing with the kid reaching for a cup of coffee.

George Town, Malaysia.

George Town, Malaysia.

The chair and the coffee cup are real (although I question if it was originally a cup of coffee), only the kid is painted. They have artwork like this everywhere. It’s so unique. We spent most of our day going from piece to piece enjoying the quirkiness of it all. After walking around in the hot sun all day, we decided to end at the mall, where we watched a movie.

We walked from one mall to the next to look for a screen protector for my phone. I had purchased one in Japan, but it was starting to peel in the corner. We found a store that sold everything phone related, and the guy helped me pick one that would fit my phone. I cannot believe I am confessing this… When he peeled off the old protector, I was staring at my phone. He started to get the new one out of the box, but as I looked at my phone, I saw the edges of a screen protector. I had neglected to take off the top layer. Now, in my defense, I have put many of these screen protectors on before. Usually they have a little tab that you peel, which removes the top layer. This Japanese version did not have a tab, I cannot read Japanese, so if they said to remove it, there was no way of knowing, so even though Javier would not really let me hear the end of it, I really don’t think it’s as bad as it sounds. Maybe I should have kept this to myself…

George Town, Malaysia.

George Town, Malaysia.

The next day, we found more art. We even found one of those iron bar information pieces showing where shoe designer, Jimmy Choo did his apprenticeship. We walked to a museum, but didn’t feel like paying the asking price. Instead, we walked back to the mall, had some lunch and booked ourselves a cab to the airport. We had such a great time in George Town. This was the most active we had been in a really long time, and it felt good.

To see more pictures of George Town, click HERE.

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